Metabolism Boosting Nutrition Plan

This is not a “diet’ it is a designed way to learn how to give your body what it needs, when it needs it, in order to live a healthy lifestyle.

By eating foods closest to the “natural source” in the right amounts, at the right time of day, you will train your metabolism to be a fat burning machine. 

Years of testing has proven that clients who live this plan and journal it, have success.  Clients who have journaled have discovered what foods upset their stomach, make them feel sluggish, foods that make them feel strong, foods they may have an allergy to, and what time of day eating meals makes them feel their best.  All of this info can be discovered as we look back at the question, “how do you feel at the end of the day?”. 

The journal also keeps you accountable and provides us with very valuable data so that we can continuously improve our product to help everyone live their healthiest life, mentally and physically.

It is important to know that this is not a weight loss plan it is a healthy eating lifestyle.  If your current eating habits are not up to par, you will likely lose weight and gain muscle by following this plan.  You will eventually train your body to burn fat and process carbs as it is supposed to so you have the energy you need to live your best life.

Once you have followed the plan and it becomes your lifestyle you will have an idea if you need to add any additional food/fuel to maintain the lifestyle you choose.  Those adjustments are something we will also learn from the logs and can help you make those changes. 

Fill out the form below for more information on our Nutrition Plan!